La vie a Suncampdr

vendredi 23 janvier 2015

Get more out of your Vacation! Think about voluntourism...

Get more out of your Vacation! Think about voluntourism...

A Vacation that brings more to you and to the local people…
Pay less money on your Holiday, stay in our comfortable rustic apartments and do some activities directly with the Dominican and Haitians. Get the same fantastic excursions directly with local people also at a better price!
We are here to receive you and guide you for a memorable and rewarding vacation. For sure, you will  leave your footprint and you go home after making a step may senses...

What is our secret? We present to you the opportunity to live a human experience and we grow just by being in contact with the happy local community, despite the very basic conditions. You will also find a unique experience among the visitors at Suncampdr...friendship that continues long after you visit here! Here you see George walking in Munoz village with the children...They love company!

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